Since our inception, the US Dollar (USD) has been the sole currency option available in our system. We've heard your feedback loud and clear, and we’re thrilled to announce a major enhancement based on your requests!
What’s New?
We now offer a significantly expanded range of currency options. Dive into a selection of over 169 currencies to tailor your experience more closely to your local needs and preferences.
Setting Up Your Preferred Currency
  • To explore and select from the new currency options, simply navigate to the "Currency" settings in your dashboard.
  • While USD will remain the default, a simple click on the USD button will open up a dropdown menu where you can either browse or search for your preferred currency.
  • You can search by the full name of the currency, like "United States Dollar," or by its abbreviation, such as "USD" or "GBP."
Where You'll See Changes
These currency options are now integrated throughout the system and will be reflected in all labels, as well as the x-axis and y-axis of your charts, making your data analysis even more intuitive and customized.
We hope you enjoy this new level of customization and that it makes your experience with our platform even more effective and enjoyable. As always, we're here to support you, so please don't hesitate to reach out if you need help setting up or have any feedback!